Sunday, November 20, 2011

November Photo Recap

Ben plays a heated soccer game with Kanona Basic School 6th graders.

Our new little Zambian family

Just walking into town.

Lincoln, gets his first bath, no more fleas:)

A night of dancing! (Joseph, Penlope and Wellington)

Mom, I finally fit a dog in my purse!

Turns out Usa is not a big fan of bathing.

Special water delivery. (Eric, Patience, Penlope, Joseph, Abbute, Ronnard and Wellington)

Motley Crue. (Joseph, Wellington, Ronnard and Eric)

The ladies that really take care of us.  (Cristal Beth, Rhoda, Nerry, Tressy and Felix)

Love these little guys.  (Wellington, Felix, Ronnard, Joseph and Jared)