Wednesday, April 25, 2012

World Malaria Day - Events in Kanona

After weeks of preparation between Lizzy and the Neighborhood Health Committee members, World Malaria Day events finally took place today in Kanona. The crowd was much larger than expected, with around 400 people showing up. The events began with an introduction by the guest of honor (local councilman) and was followed by a small skit, in which much to the audience's delight Lizzy played a witch doctor. After the skit, another health talk was given by the clinic nurse advising people on ways to prevent malaria, which ended in passing out mosquito nets to participants who could correctly answer malaria related questions. In keeping with the global theme of 'Stomping Out Malaria' children left their stomp marks on the malaria day banner to help wrap up a very successful day.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday.

April 25th is World Malaria Day.  Currently Malaria is the #1 killer in Africa and specifically, Zambia.  We have seen so many cases of Malaria since being in country.  Unfortunately too many that have lead to death especially children under five.  The biggest problem here in Zambia is the lack of education on using a mosquito net, both how and why.  There are many theories here on what exactly causes Malaria, whether it be walking in the rain or eating sugar cane, people often don't know that it comes from the Anopheles mosquito.  Together with 3,000 other Peace Corps Volunteers throughout Africa we are trying to help eradicate Malaria altogether!  Keep posted- we will be blogging later this month on the event we are putting on for World Malaria Day in our village.  How will you Stomp Out Malaria in 2012?